Who We Are
Established in 1961, the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association is the organization, which represents Jamaican hotels, other visitor accommodations as well as most suppliers of goods and services to the tourism industry. The main aim of the JHTA is to promote the development of Jamaica’s hospitality industry and to represent the interests of its members in all fora, locally, regionally and internationally.
JHTA promotes the interests of its members with government and its agencies, with other elements of the private sector and with international organizations. Through its association and representation on the Boards of Directors of the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) and the Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo) it ensures a strong voice for its membership in the development and marketing of Jamaica’s tourism. The JHTA is a major member of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica. Its participation ensures a leading role for the private sector’s interests in the policies and programmes of the PSOJ.
Internationally, JHTA is affiliated with the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association. This valuable liaison provides the JHTA with the opportunity to secure critical information and exposure for its members.
The Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association holds a highly respected position at all levels of government and is recognized as one of the leading associations of its kind in the Caribbean. Founded on November 1, 1961 the JHTA’s major objective was to give greater prominence to the tourism thereby contributing to the development of the island’s economy. This was particularly critical at the time, as plans were underway for Jamaica gaining its independence. Another significant factor, which gave rise to the formation of the JHTA, was the fact that trade unionism was being introduced to the tourism industry. The creation of an association could therefore act effectively as an umbrella for its members.
In formulating the name for the Association two names were identified, Jamaica Hotel Association as opposed to Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association. The latter was chosen on the basis that it would encompass all the non-governmental interests, which were relevant to tourism, rather than focusing solely on the needs of the hotels.
Mission & Objectives
Mission Statement
To represent the interests of our members, foster their economic and professional growth while contributing to community development and the sustainability of Jamaica’s tourism industry.
Vision Statement
To become the most effective trade association in Jamaica providing superior service to the tourism industry.
Aims & Objectives
- To promote cooperation amongst hotels and other bodies interested in the tourist industry and afford a means of exchange of information on all matters affecting the hotel and tourist industries of Jamaica.
- To promote fair and harmonious labour relations between members and their employees and to assist them in labour disputes.
- To establish and enforce a code of ethics to be followed in all business dealings between hotels in Jamaica, their patrons and other bodies interested in the travel and/or tourist industries.
- To represent, foster, develop, encourage and improve the tourist industry and to establish standards and make regulations which the Association may, from time to time, deem conducive to the better operation and expansion of the industry.
- To foster both foreign and local goodwill towards the hotel and tourist industries of Jamaica.
- To assist in promoting business for its members and particularly in developing every aspect of the tourist industry.
- To undertake such research, experiments, enquiries and work as shall be considered necessary to develop and improve the tourist industry.
- To adopt such means, including all types of publicity, promotion and advertisement of making known all aspects of the industry as well as the work of the Association.
- To promote legislation calculated to benefit, improve and expand the hotel and tourist industries of Jamaica.
- To settle the policy to be followed annually by members of the Association in respect of the recognition of tour operators, or any other suppliers of business to the members of the Association, the payment of commission and allowance of discounts and refund of deposits, as well as setting guidelines for bonus incentives and net rates.
- To confer, correspond, deal or enter into any arrangements with any Governments or authorities(supreme, municipal, local or otherwise) or any companies, forms, organizations or persons as may seem conducive to the attainment of the Association’s objectives or any of them.
Who can be a Member?
There are three types of membership:
- ACTIVE restricted to hotels, with members having voting privileges.
- ALLIED all categories except hotels, i.e. villas and firms, which provide goods and services to the hotel industry. This member has voting privileges.
- As a prerequisite for membership, applicants must be licensed by the Jamaica Tourist Board or the appropriate authority.
The Jamaica Product Exchange (JAPEX) is the premier trade event and the single most important business generator for Jamaica’s tourism industry. In two days of pre-scheduled appointments, wholesalers and tour operators meet face to face with close to 200 of Jamaica’s leading tourism suppliers to conduct business negotiations.
Since its 1990 inception, The Jamaica Product Exchange (JAPEX) has been a joint project of The Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) and the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB). It is supported by every Jamaican organization involved in the development, promotion and sale of the Island’s tourism product.
JAPEX is a world of business opportunities, all in one place. www.japex.org

JAPEX… provides an excellent opportunity for our participants to network and develop commercial prospects, which we believe will result in major financial gains.

The Honourable, Edmund Bartlett
Minister of Tourism